Hello there! 👋 I’m Ndze’dzenyuy Lemfon Karl, though I prefer Lemfon (pronounced like Lemon, but with an “f”).
I’m a critical thinker, communicator, and problem solver, driven by a passion for improving systems – especially those related to computing and business operations and how we can leverage technology for socioeconomic development. I am concerned with the management, strategy & policy of technology, and bring my skills as an engineer, strategist and data-driven problem solver to bear in this regard. I earned my BSc in Computer Science with Summa Cum Laude honors from Ashesi University, and just recently graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a Master of Science in Information Technology degree.
I love hiking, running, reading, writing, and listening to good music. I am also a baby Judoka (Let us see where this one goes).
My blogging is guided by the same wisdom that led Michel de Montaigne to write: “Je ne vise ici qu’à découvrir moi-même, qui serai par aventure autre demain, si nouveau apprentissage me change. Je n’ai point l’autorité d’être cru, ni ne le désire, me sentant trop mal instruit pour instruire autrui.” (Essais, Livre Premier, Chapitre XXVI).
If you would like us to talk about anything, please write to me at info@karllemfon.com! I love good conversations.
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